Episode 18 Milk – New, Clabber, Sour & Cream

Listen to "018 Milk - New, Clabber, Sour & Cream" on Spreaker.

Link to the Episode: 

Episode 18 Milk - New, Clabber, Sour & Cream

Hot Milk.  

The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs:
Photography Collection, The New York Public Library.
"The cat drinks foamy, fresh milk. Farm, Canyon County, Idaho" 
The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1941. 

Thick Milk

Sour Milk 



When we got a cold glass of milk from the fridge - all these elements and incarnation of the beverage likely never occurred to us.  But our intrepid 17th Century adventurers were very aware of each and every one of these.  Including "crying over spilled milk" because they were working hard for every last drop!  AND spilled milk in the dairy corner meant a bunch of scrubbing.  Sigh.

Related Media:

Mendelson, Anne. Milk: The surprising story of Milk through the Ages. NY; Borzoi Books, 2008.

Oliver, Sandra. Food in Colonial & Federal America. Westport, CT; Greenwood Press, 2005


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