Episode 20 Wheat & Barley – Missing Real Bread & Beer

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Episode 20 Wheat & Barley – Missing Real Bread & Beer

It's all grass!

Compare to Teosinte (corn before it was corn):

to Barley:
(2 row preferred for beer, 6 row usually eaten as a grain - functionally interchangeable, but some flavor/sugar/fermentation differences)

By Xianmin Chang - Own work by Xianmin.Chang@orkney.uhi.ac.uk; 
Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5512681

& Wheat:
Photo Credit: Mark Nesbitt - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

The difference comes in the germination temps, length of growing season, nutrient requirements, and then the all important gluten - does the ground flour - when wet stick together and stretch - so it can form bubbles during baking, or crumble and need to be a flatbread.

Quern Stones:

On a table to catch the ground meal (the early colonists would likely have had a stick in a hole chipped into the stone instead of a iron band)

Another typical way to use a quern at this time - 2 handed:


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