Episode 35.5 Bonus - Soap is Made of Fat

Listen to "035.5 Bonus - Soap is Made of Fat" on Spreaker.

Link to the Episode:

Episode 35.5 Bonus - Soap is Made of Fat 

Don't Eat in the Lab - You might turn into a Dinosaur.

Dinosaur Neil vs. The Tick (1994)
1) Eat in Lab
2) Set Lab on Fire
3) Innovate Unnecessarily

Soap on the Molecular Chemical Level:

Instead of getting tedious - I am simply going to direct you to this great explainer - molecule diagrams, micelle pictures and everything by a Chem PhD - Dr. Michelle Wong - at LabMuffin.com:

Make Your Own Soap - The Chemistry Behind Soap Making

If this episode has you jazzed about making soap - there are lots of ways to go about it.  A great starter is a soap making kit - just to try it out.  There are plenty of just fine soap making books out there that let you work with preprepared chemicals and formulas. But if you want to know more, and go deep, this book is The Book of Soap Making:

Scientific Soap Making by Kevin M. Dunn

Have Fun!  And watch out for Lab Pasta Salad

The Other Book - 

Ashenburg, Katherine. The Dirt on Clean. NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007


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