Episode 56 Wheat & Barley – The Rise of 18th Century American Tech

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Link to the Episode:
Episode 56 Wheat & Barley – The Rise of 18th Century American Tech

Tea taxes may have been the last straw – but was the beginning of British doom written in the rise of mill innovations in the colonies?  They were the foundational in the development of colonial industry.

Horizontal water mill - based on the early Ancient Greek design

From WaterHistory.org
a mill in Murcia, Spain

An example of a grandiose Roman style mill

Roman construction invited huge wheels - and they could be. 

Fed over top -  from an aqueduct, or under side fed along side bridges.

Diagram of an 18th century mill - without the creeping American automation

Visit The Mills Archive
for an extensive history, pictures and other
  drawings and diagrams of the stages of 
grain milling.


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